
Design case 1

Design case 2

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  Created by: Matti

Design case 2: Reduced Order Modeling of Coupled Systems

Reduced Order Model:
Reduced Order Model
The dynamic behaviour of the microswitch shown on the previous page was reduced by so-called modal
projection techniques. Similar to the Mode Superposition Method known from structural analyses we
represent the deformed structure by a weighted combination of eigenmodes. The state variables of the
black-box model are based on several response surfaces which are extracted by a series of FE runs.

In contrast to early implementations the newly developed tool accounts for
>       Structural non-linearities such as the stress stiffening effects
>       Coupling effects of electrostatic-structural domains and
>       Squeeze and slide film damping in viscose environment

Furthermore it provides fully coupled voltage-current ports for each conductor and nodal force-displacement
ports at master nodes to model contact problems, to apply nodal forces or to watch true displacement results.

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